Thursday, April 28, 2011

Harga emas kekal tinggi


Logam pelaburan paling selamat lepasi paras AS$1,500 seauns

HARGA emas buat pertama kali dalam sejarah melepasi paras AS$1,500 (RM4,524) seauns semalam, apabila kelemahan nilai dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS) ditambah pula dengan kebimbangan terhadap kadar inflasi yang tinggi serta krisis hutang yang membelenggu negara Eropah menyebabkan pelabur beralih membeli logam yang dianggap pelindung nilai paling selamat itu.
Harga logam itu mencecah AS$1,502.32 seauns pada satu ketika dalam sesi dagangan di Pasaran Jongkong London semalam sebelum ditutup pada AS$1,499.32 seauns.
Harga logam perak turut mencatatkan harga tertingginya dalam tempoh 31 tahun semalam iaitu AS$44.48 seauns.

“Harga emas kekal tinggi, apabila tekanan inflasi jangka pendek dan ketidaktentuan ekonomi telah mencetuskan peralihan kepada pelaburan lebih selamat,” kata Penganalisis Komoditi Kumpulan Kewangan Rusia, VTB Capital, Andrey Kryuchenkov.

Emas dilihat sebagai pelindung nilai paling selamat dalam situasi ekonomi yang tidak menentu.

Harga emas mula melonjak untuk bergerak ke paras AS$1,500 pada Isnin lalu selepas agensi penarafan antarabangsa, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) menyemak semula tinjauan penarafan hutang kedaulatan AS kepada negatif daripada stabil.
Penarafan S&P itu mencabar penarafan ‘AAA’ Washington, apabila ia memberi amaran bahawa ahli politik AS dilihat tidak mampu menyetujui pelan untuk mengurangkan defisit bajet yang besar, iaitu kira-kira 10 peratus daripada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) negara itu.

Penurunan penarafan itu juga mengheret turun harga saham dunia pada Isnin, di tengah-tengah meningkatnya kebimbangan terhadap inflasi dengan China, India dan zon euro bergelut untuk membendung kenaikan harga.

Minggu lalu, firma perunding logam, GFMS mengunjurkan harga emas akan melonjak melepasi paras AS$1,600 tahun ini, dipacu terutama oleh kebimbangan ke atas inflasi yang tinggi.

Kryuchenkov berkata: “Emas melonjak selepas S&P menurunkan penarafan tinjauan hutang kedaulatan AS kepada negatif dan ia dibuat ketika adanya kebimbangan mengenai masalah ekonomi susulan kemunculan semula masalah hutang di zon euro.”

Harga emas telah meningkat enam peratus sejak awal tahun ini, memecah beberapa siri rekod tertingginya sepanjang tempoh itu.

Harganya melepasi paras AS$1,000 buat kali pertama pada Mac 2008.

“Emas akan terus menjadi tumpuan pelabur selagi kebimbangan terhadap inflasi dan hutang berterusan,” kata Penganalisis kumpulan perdagangan Spread Co, Ian O’Sullivan. – AFP

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Utah Moves to Return to Gold Currency - World Islamic Mint

It seems the Utah state House is taking the advice of Texas U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, officially stamping gold and silver as legal tender. The Utah House on Friday voted 47-26 to pass HB317 by Utah state Rep. Brad Galvez, R-West Haven, and sent it to the Senate. The measure would recognize as legal tender gold and silver coins issued by the federal government. The measure would also allow the state of Utah to form a commission with the sole intent of examining whether Utah should consider an alternative form of legal tender, possibly gold or silver. “This is a step in preparedness, a step in security,” Mr. Galvez said, “that allows us to be able to help hold up our economy as the dollar continues to shrink. The move comes as proponents of the gold standard continue to speak out. Texas Rep. Ron Paul is among the most vocal of the group calling for a return to a pegging of the dollar to the price of gold.

Many Indonesians reverting to Islamic Dirham and Dinar

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Source: OnIslam

By Dandy Koswaraputra

Many Indonesians see dinars and dirhams as the best way of protection against economic fluctuations.

Seeing it as a source of security amid global economic instability, Indonesians are returning back to traditional Islamic currently in their daily transactions.

“I’ve chosen dinar because of it is safe and stable,” Hardjito Warno explained on Saturday, February 26.

The Indonesian man has been collecting gold dinars as a long-term investment since 2006.

He is now the holder of more than 50 coins in his deposit box, which he sometimes uses for certain purposes, such as paying education fees.

“[The] dinar is very liquid so I can use it for multiple purposes,” Warno said.

Dinar and silver dirham are available in shops in the world’s most populous Muslim country.

For collecting the Islamic coins, Warnoh regularly buys dinars from an agent in Jakarta.

“Sometimes I use dinar for transaction as Rasulallah teaches us,” Warno said.

There are at least 46 coin shops in the capital Jakarta and its surrounding cities, making it accessible for consumers to buy.

“In certain communities and areas the transaction using dinar and dirham have been applied,” he added.

The dinar measures 4.25 grams of gold, while the dirham is 3.0 grams of pure silver.

A golden coin is equivalent to about 582 ringgit (US183 dollars) while the silver coin is worth around 13 ringgit but their values fluctuate according to market prices.


Some Indonesians see dinars and dirhams as the best way of protection against economic fluctuations.

“I would say those who put billions rupiah of idle money in conventional banks are the losers and oppressors,” Endy Kurniawan, the author of a book titled “Think Dinar” revealed.

For some business people, putting cash in financial institutions is not the best way to invest money due to inflation and tax obligation.

“If we’re putting money in conventional bank then how much it could boost economic growth,” he asked.

The interest rates for depositing money in banks is six per cent a year in average, while the inflation rate in Indonesia is one or two per cent higher, according to the Indonesian Statistic Body.

Gold, which is typically most stable and liquid commodity, has traditionally been favourite jewellery for Indonesian housewives and become the best reliance for Muslims at needy situation, to sell or pawn.

“People have their own logic and consideration to decide, which one is better to protect their assets: holding gold or saving money,” Kurniawan added.

According to him, there is no specific data of how much dinar circulation exists in Indonesia.

Indonesia is the world’s 37st biggest gold reserves country, which is spread in a number of its big islands, such as, Sulawesi, Papua, Sumatra and Borneo; and about 18,500 tons have been produced to be fine gold and jewellery, according to data state own company PT Aneka Tambang.

Some Indonesians see the point of using dinars as part of efforts to uphold Shari`ah (Islamic law).

“It’s even more than investment. It is for upholding Islamic law,” Kurniawan said.

“It’s the weakness of using paper currency; using gold dinar would be fairer,” he added.

Fauzan Al-Anshari, director of the Islamic Study Institute, agrees.

“This is part of upholding Islamic law,” he said.

He hopes that the mushrooming dinar usage in Indonesia will inspire other countries to consider the establishment of using-dinar caucus countries, as a stepping stone of global economic reform.

“I suggest, Indonesia and any other Muslim countries, such as Pakistan, Malaysia, Brunei and Middle East countries to implement the usage of dinar as currency,” he said.

“If we want to be involved in creating economic prosperity then we must start from ourselves.”


Gold And Silver on the Rise - Goldseek

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By Scott Silva

Editor, The Gold Speculator


Even if stability were to return to the Middle East and North Africa, and Japan gets its damaged reactors under control, gold and silver will reach new highs over the next several months. There is no doubt that the popular uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain and now Yemen and Syria, and the shooting war in Libya have threatened stability in the region. Oil prices have spiked to over $100/bbl as Libyan refineries shut down, cutting off 1.6 million barrels a day to global supply. Libya is the world’s 12th largest oil exporter. Iran, emboldened by the fall of the Mubarak, long time US ally and friend to Israel, for the first time in thirty years sent warships through the Suez, an act Israel’s prime minister described as “a provocative, unprecedented Iranian military presence” in the Mediterranean. More than two million barrels of oil transit Suez each day through the canal and its adjacent pipeline, accounting for at least two percent of global oil output. The political upheaval in Egypt was a surprise to many on watch. Events moved quickly in Egypt; the regime toppled in weeks. Traders (and defense analysts) worry popular unrest will spread to other countries in the region, including the world’s top oil producer, Saudi Arabia. Already, new clashes have erupted in Morocco, Jordon, Algeria, Yemen and Syria.

Gold prices have jumped since the first protesters took to the streets in Tunis and Cairo. Gold is a traditional safe haven for investors. Gold has gained 7 % since January 28, the day that the Egyptian government shut down internet service in an attempt to deny communication among protesters. Silver has gained 37% over the same period. Although the military has assumed control of the Egyptian government, it remains unclear what form the government will take after the scheduled September elections. And the outcome of the war in Libya is far from certain.

But there are other reasons gold prices will remain high. As you have read in these pages before, US government intervention in the financial markets is demolishing the US Dollar. The primary causes are unchecked deficit spending and the Fed’s easy money policies. The conviction to continue massive deficit spending is evident in the president’s $3.7 Trillion budget request for FY2012. Analysts project it will double the national debt to $23 Trillion by 2021. House Republicans are proposing a 2012 budget that targets $4 Trillion in cuts over the next ten years. Whatever budget level is negotiated, funding for much of the budget will come from continued government borrowing, that is, selling US Treasurys to the public and foreign investors. But borrowing at extreme levels (over 100% of GDP) may jeopardize the credit rating of US sovereign debt. Moody’ Investors Service has already indicated that it may be forced to downgrade its economic outlook for the US based on current projected debt levels. Investors seeking to preserve their wealth flocked to gold when the president’s budget was released.

Another factor driving the price of gold higher is new evidence on rising inflation. Commodity prices have been rising steadily since 2009. In fact, commodity prices as reflected in the CRB index have broken through the 2008 high, last week reaching a new high at 689. Higher commodity prices are now flowing into producer prices. The Producer Price Index (chart below), has increased over 23% in the last two months, recovering from the lows of the 2009 meltdown and well over its 2008 high.

Consumer prices are moving higher now as well, despite statements by Chairman Bernanke to the contrary, prices for almost every consumer item (except single family housing) are on the rise, some at double digit rates. For the past 3 months, the core inflation, as measured by the CPI, has moved up 3.9%. Food and energy prices have pushed up 3.1% and 28% over the same period. At the same time, the US Dollar has lost value against other currencies, reducing purchasing power. The US Dollar has lost 35% of its value in just the last ten years. Together, the combination of rising prices and a weaker dollar is a recipe for disaster.

Investing in the stock market is not the answer. Easy money has buoyed up stock prices in the last few weeks; the Dow closed over the 12,000 mark last month for the first time since 2008. But stocks prices are likely to slide steeply when the Fed is forced to tighten in a belated attempt to curb inflation. Continued government intervention may cause the economy to slip into stagflation, that eerie economic nether land of slow growth, declining wages, high unemployment and double digit inflation reminiscent of the Carter years.

Prudent investors can fight the ravages of inflation and debasement of the currency by investing in gold and silver. Gold has maintained its value during periods of high inflation. For example, gold tripled in price during the early 1970’s oil embargo, when oil prices suddenly spiked. In the late 1970’s gold prices climbed as much as 526% in Carter's first three years in office as the president struggled with stagflation. Today, as the Fed continues to print money to support more federal deficit spending, we are seeing once again, the onset of debilitating inflation at all levels.

Investors from around the world benefit from timely market analysis on gold and silver and portfolio recommendations contained in The Gold Speculator investment newsletter, which is based on the principles of free markets, private property, sound money and Austrian School economics.

The question for you to consider is how are you going to protect yourself from the vagaries of the continued deficit spending and growing inflation? We publish The Gold Speculator to help people make better decisions about their money. Our Model Conservative Portfolio gained 66.7% in 2010, and 55% for 1Q2011. Subscribe at our web site with credit card or PayPal ($300/yr) or by sending your check for $290 ($10 cash discount) The Gold Speculator, 614 Nashua St. #142 Milford, NH 03055

Scott Silva

Scott Silva is Managing Director of The Gold Speculator, an investment newsletter that focuses on gold and gold stocks. Prior to his appointment as Managing Director, he was senior market analyst and portfolio manager of the Model Conservative Portfolio for The One-handed Economist . Mr. Silva holds a Bachelor of Science and MBA, and was a licensed Investment Advisor for top tier Wall Street firms before founding a private investment advisory firm.

The Gold Speculator is rooted in Austrian theory, which correctly defines the role of money, credit and business cycles. We believe in the principles of free markets, personal property and sound money as put forward by Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hyeck, Murray Rothbard and Thomas E. Woods, Jr. among others.

Subscribers receive online access to 26 issues of The Gold Speculator per year, and Special Bulletins as they happen. The Model Conservative Portfolio returned 66.7% for 2010. Subscribe online with PayPal or major credit card at for $300/yr, or by sending a check for $290 ($10 cash discount) to The Gold Speculator, 614 Nashua St. #142, Milford, NH 03055


The Advantages of Gold Investment - Artipot

In the last 3 years or so, gold investments have been obtaining a great deal of great publicity. Many professionals in the field of investments are forecasting that in some years, the gold market could be the next bull marketplace. Some would even claim that there is already a gold bull marketplace. But are these issues accurate? Or are there just a whole lot of talks about nothing?

Although other investors could completely disagree that the gold marketplace is going to be the next massive bull marketplace, they merely can't deny the fact that there's indeed an emerging bullish marketplace for gold. Inside the last three years, the price of gold has been getting higher and higher and stock indices of gold mining mutual funds have continued its climb upwards. If this just isn't a sign of an emerging bull market, then what is it?

Since of the hype that growing gold costs have developed, a lot of investors, specialists and amateurs alike, have also started paving their method to the gold marketplace. Aside from the promise of an emerging bull marketplace, a whole lot of these investors have also been attracted to the benefits that gold investments need to offer. The question now is: what are these advantages?

Investing in gold has actually no one advantage over other form of investments. The reason for this is that gold investment has several types and each of these types has its own benefit. Among the forms of gold investment that a lot of investors are getting into nowadays are:

* Physical Gold Investments
* Gold Stock Investments
* Gold Derivatives Investments

Physical Gold

Investing in gold bullions, regardless of whether it really is a gold bar or gold coin, is considered as probably the most basic kind of gold investment. It is also regarded as as the least risky type of gold investment. But because it really is the least risky, you can't also expect such investments to rise in breaking levels, just as all other low risks investments would behave.

The greatest benefit of investing in physical gold is the value or worth of the gold itself. Unlike most other types of investments or other financial instruments, gold will always be worth something. Like other financial instruments, gold prices might rise and fall; the only distinction is that gold will never lose its value. Because of this, owning physical gold is typically regarded as as insurance rather than as an investment.

One setback of owning physical gold is the security it would call for. There is, however, a solution to this dilemma. Aside from physically purchasing gold bullion bars and coins, investors may also buy third party gold. Investing in third party gold is just like investing in physical gold; the only distinction is that the gold is stored by someone other than the investor. This frees the investor from any security worries he might have over his investment.

Gold Stocks

Another form of gold investment is the gold stock. In gold stock investments, the investor would need to invest on or acquire a stock from a gold mining business. It really is in this type of gold investment where the emergence of a gold bull market would matter a good deal. The method of investing in gold stocks is just comparable to that of investing in other types of stock. Investing in gold stocks would call for the investors to trade in the stock marketplace, either on formal exchanges or in over the counter stock markets.

The greatest benefit of investing in gold stocks lies on the appreciation of gold prices. Any rise inside the price of gold would turn into pure profit for the mining organizations without incurring any extra production price. As for the investor, such boost in profit would mean an boost within the value of his stock or share.

Gold Derivatives

Investing in gold derivatives is considered as probably the most risky form of gold investment. In this kind of investment, the investor would not buy gold bullions or gold stocks. Rather, he would basically purchase a proper to obtain or sell gold at a fixed price at some specified future time. In this kind of investment, the investor would just rely on speculations. He will win or lose in this investment depending on the accuracy of his speculation.

Investing in gold derivatives has no particular advantage that it can call its own. Rather, the advantage of investing in gold derivatives is the identical as in other high risk investments. In such sort of investments, the investor would either gain much or lose much.
